Events and News

Free online training | May 7, 2025

Mesh-less CFD Moving Particle Simulation

Timetable: 9.00 - 16.30
Speakers: Riccardo Sala, Pasquale Spinosa
Language: English

Particleworks is a CAE software for the simulation of liquid flows based on the Moving Particle Simulation method (MPS). The MPS solves the Navier-Stokes equations with a deterministic Lagrangian Method.
In Particleworks the fluid is discretized by particles and there is no need for a computational grid. The meshless nature and the intuitive interfaces make the simulation process simple and fast, even for complex geometries with moving parts.
Particleworks is used in the automotive and off-highway industries for different kind of applications related liquid flow and granular flow analysis.


9.00 – 10.30 | Part 1
Intro to Particleworks and to the MPS method. Simulation process and project structure

10.30 – 10.45 | Break

10.45 – 12.15 | Part 2
Model set-up, from geometry import to simulation execution (with guided hands-on session)

12.15 – 14.00 | Break

14.00 – 16.30 | Part 3
Post-Processing: qualitative and quantitative analysis of the simulation results


After the training the trainees will receive a 4 weeks trial license of the Particleworks software on their hardware.
During the trail period Particleworks Europe will support the trainees by weekly web-meetings for Q&A and to discuss specific applications.

Particleworks 8

Register now!


The training is free of charge, with a limited number of participants to guarantee the quality of the training: you can register using the form in this web-page.
The training sessions will be live using the Zoom platform, that does not require any local installation.
The registrants will receive the instructions to connect to the Zoom platform after the registration.
The registrants will be contacted one week before the training to install the Particleworks software on their hardware for the hands-on sessions.