Testing ParticleWorks coupled with Recurdyn to simulate water behavior in water technology products

Chiaki Miyazawa, LIXIL Corporation | Akiko Kondoh, Prometech Software

Newsletter EnginSoft Year 17 n°2

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LIXIL’s "Ecoful Shower" shower head product consists of a structure in which the impeller incorporated in the shower head rotates at high speed and blocks half of the shower holes. This mechanism increases the pressure inside the shower head, producing a regular shower sensation for the user, however the water consumption is 48% lower than that of the conventional water volume. Besides conserving water, it is also important to optimize the water pressure and the size of the water drops to improve comfort. Particleworks was used for these evaluations.

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The Particleworks features are a great advantage because they allowed the behavior of the shower and the internal impellers to be easily reproduced.

Dr. Miyazawa from LIXIL Corporation